TS Seal Co., Ltd.
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Methods of Explosion Prevention & Waterproof

[Jacking Tube] Filling & Explosion Prevention | [Jacking Tube] Filling for Waterproof | Jacking Box Waterproof

Jacking Tube
Method of Waterproof by Filling

No water leakage at 3kg water pressure / cm2
(TS Seal + Jacking Tube embedded collar)

Wide diameter Tube

  1. Filling TS Seal by caulking Gun on the concrete joint corner of hume tube.

    Construction drawing

  2. Filled TS Seal shall be extended to the joint direction of hume tube by jacking pressure, and also be a cushion material.

    Construction drawing

  3. Extended TS Seal will absorb the shock to cross section surface (x-section) and be strong cushion to prevent break of the tube.

  4. Also, TS Seal make perfect seal-off the corner of collar and hume tube, and prevent invasion of ground water permanently.

    Construction drawing

Medium Pipe
(Common for Explosion Prevention & Waterproof)

■S shape Medium Tube

Construction drawing

■T shape Medium Pipe

Construction drawing

Filling TS Seal to
Wide diameter Tube

Filling of TS Seal
Filling of TS Seal

Casting of TS Seal
Casting of TS Seal

Completion of Filling TS Seal to Wide diameter Tube
Completion of
Filling TS Seal
to Wide diameter Tube

[Jacking Tube] Filling & Explosion Prevention | [Jacking Tube] Filling for Waterproof | Jacking Box Waterproof

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